50 fun facts about actor Robert Downey Jr. 1~10

4/4はRDJの50回目の誕生日ということで、こちらの50 fun facts about actor Robert Downey Jr.(RDJに関する50のこと)の和訳+αです。

1.Acting is in his blood. He’s the son of director Robert Downey Sr. and actress Elsie Downey and made his debut in his father’s film, Pound (1990). Robert played a puppy.

血筋から。RDJは映画監督RDSと女優Elsie Downeyの息子。映画デビューは父親の監督作”Pound”(1990年となってますが、1970年作品です)。ロバートは子犬役。

2.Robert Elias Jr.? His family name was Elias until his father changed it to Downey in the 1950s.

ロバート・エリアス・Jr? 彼の苗字は1950年代に父親がダウニーに改名するまでエリアスだった。(ダウニー姓はRDSの義父の姓)

3.The future action star studied ballet at the age of 10.

Downey Jr Was A Ballet Student

Robert Downey Jr underwent gruelling ballet lessons as a child at the illustrious PERRY HOUSE school in Chelsea, London.The actor-turned-rocker admits he attended the highbrow establishment when he was a 10-year-old, but he retains his rock ‘n’ roll persona by claiming he was always acting like “a moron” rather than perfecting his pirouettes.
He says, “I don’t want to say I did anything correctly at Perry House because the truth is that I spent my whole time there with my nose in the corner, being a moron.
“But yes, part of the studies there required that boys and girls did ballet.”

チェルシーのPerry Houseでバレエを習い始めましたが、ロックンローラーのような気質から、ピルエットを完璧にこなすよりも間抜けなようにふるまいたいと思い、辞めたそうです。

4.Bright lights, big city! When Robert was 16, he quit school and moved back to New York to start his acting career. His first gigs were in off-Broadway plays.

補足:サンタモニカ高校を中退。演劇を学ぶためにNYのStagedoor Manorへ通っています。ちなみに、Stagedoor Manorはナタリー・ポートマンも通ってました。

1983年、Joyce Theaterで上映されたNorman Lear製作の”American Passion”に出演。

5.In the early days of his career, the struggling actor bussed tables at a SoHo restaurant.

補足:His first jobs in the city included bussing tables at Central Falls restaurant, working in a shoestore, and performing as “living art” at the notorious underground club Area.

6.He became one of the members of the infamous ‘80s Brat Pack. Fellow Brat Packer Anthony Michael Hall is his eldest son Indio’s godfather.

悪名高い”80s Brat Pack”の一員になった。Brat Packerの仲間アンソニー・マイケル・ホールは長男インディオのゴッドファーザー。
補足:ブラット・パック”Brat Pack”とは、1980年代のハリウッド青春映画に出演した若手俳優の一団に付けられたあだ名。「小僧っ子集団」というような意味。RDJの名前も一部記事では上がってますが、一般的には、エミリオ・エステベス、ジャド・ネルソン、ロブ・ロウ、アンソニー・マイケル・ホール、モリー・リングウォルド、デミ・ムーア、アリー・シーディ、アンドリュー・マッカーシーの8人。

7.Pretty in Pink’s Molly Ringwald has revealed that she pushed for Robert to get the part of Duckie in the hit 80s flick, but producers decided to give the role to Jon Cryer instead.

補足:『プリティ・イン・ピンク/恋人たちの街角』(Pretty in Pink)は、1986年公開のアメリカ合衆国の映画。父親との二人暮らしで生活に追われる少女と、裕福な家庭に育った少年との恋の行方を描いた作品。

8.He has a younger sister named Allyson, who spent some time as an actress before turning her attention to writing.

補足:”Up the Academy “や”Pound”など4作品に出演。

9.One of his first loves was Sarah Jessica Parker, who he met while being an extra on the set of Girls Just Want to Have Fun . The lovebirds were together for seven years beginning in 1984 before they split over his alcohol and drug use. “She tried to help me,” he has said. “She was so miffed when I didn’t get my act together.”

最初の恋人の一人はサラ・ジェシカ・パーカー。”Girls Just Want to Have Fun”のセットで出会った。2人はRDJの酒と薬物問題で破局するまで1984年から7年間同棲していた。「彼女は僕を救おうとしてくれた。僕が自分の振る舞いを分かっていない時、彼女はとてもむっとしていた」とのこと。
Drugs ruined my relationships, Downey says

He said: “I was so selfish. I liked to drink, and I had a drug problem, and that didn’t jibe with Sarah Jessica, because it was the furthest thing from what she is.


10.Live from New York, it’s Robert Downey Jr.! The actor was a cast member on the 1985 season of Saturday Night Live.



